Kuue samba taga: PODCASTID

Saatesari räägib Tartu Ülikooli osast Eesti ja maailma ees seisvate probleemide lahendamisel ning otsingutest sel teel. Sõna saavad humanitaar-, loodus- ja täppisteaduste, meditsiini- ning sotsiaalvaldkonna esindajad ja teemadering ulatub arstirohtudest ning personaalmeditsiinist uute energiate ja kosmose uurimiseni. Vahepeale jäävad veel laste heaolu, liikumine, tervisekäitumine, keskkonna- ja teised küsimused. Jutuks tulevad ka rahvusülikooli 100. aastapäeva üritused […]

Inauguration lecture by Professor Veronika Zadin

You are welcome to the inauguration lecture by Veronika Zadin, Professor of Materials Technology at the University of Tartu “To see the invisible, to measure the immeasurable” November 16, 4:15 p.m. at the university’s honor Introduction of the lecture and professor to the www.ut.ee/inauguratsiooniloengud The first-time professor’s inauguration lecture aims to give the university’s new professor the […]

MeVArc 2021 conference

Already next week (08.03.2021-12.03.2021), MeVArc 2021 conference, organized with the help of MATTER will take place. The conference focuses on understanding the phenomena of vacuum arcing with applications in different fields, with some most important examples in ,particle accelerator designs, high-voltage electronics, RF accelerators, electrostatic accelerators and vacuum interrupters. Currently, more than 100 researchers all over […]

ERA Chair MATTER in Research in Estonia

Our activities caught the attention of ResearchInEstonia: “A brand new European Research Area (ERA) Chair has started work at the University of Tartu. Scientists believe that research in nanotechnology brings us novel solutions in several areas such as electronics, sensors, energy sources and even biomedical technology.“

Postdoc position open in nanomanipulation

Tasks Design, synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials, development of nanomanipulation methodology, in-situ nanomanipulation experiments, teaching and suprervision of students. Requirements PhD in physics, chemistry, materials science or similar, proven experience in fine nanoscale experiments and nanomanipulation of individual nanostructures using both commercial and in house devices, teaching experience and proven competence on the following and […]

We are hiring — ERA Chair holder

We are looking for an ambitious researcher who is interested in participating in shaping the research strategies of Institute of Technology in University of Tartu by taking the lead as ERA Chair holder! The ERA Chair will be institutionalised as an independent research laboratory under in University of Tartu, Institute of Technology, engaging ERA Chair […]